neocities sites
.44caliber: just about everything you need to know about dylann roof and brand new is here. still worth checking out even if you are disintrested in those subjects. love her site.
clownbonk: clown website for clown enthusiasts.
denpa archive: exactly what it says on the tin.
viian: very outdated website for vivi from loona. (please stop abandoning websites T_T)
braigwen: linking their star wars page specifically but look at the full site if youre into nerdy stuff.
saltofshores: unfinished twin peaks site but really cool.
hillhouse: absolutely beautiful webdesign here.
wired sounds for wired people: my introduction to neocities and the most iconic serial experiments lain website to exist.
dafoe: site dedicated to willem dafoe.
crua-chan: an abandoned personal site with some broken images/links, really inspired me when i made my site.
outside neocities
glastonberry grove: twin peaks fansite created in 1997. the secret diary of laura palmer and my life my tapes can be found here.
blowfly girl: blowfly girls infamous maggot story. fiction or not i find this rather beautiful and i hope she is doing better information about various school shooters with official documents. research site about the sandy hook massacre.
an unhelpful guide to asia: a personal blog from 2013 detailing a trip to thailand with classmate lindsay souvannarath. ctrl+f "lilith" for everything about her. an interesting look into how she was/is like irl.
heavens gate: famous religious group/cult who commited mass suicide and their website is still online.
SCUM manifesto: radical feminist book by valerie solanas. wildly misunderstood and a must read for any woman.
uboachan: yume nikki imageboard /hikki/ and /rec/ are the only boards i frequent. whole site is semi inactive and that upsets me.
aurora reach: northern lights tracker
marquise: historical fashion information.
lost all hope:"one of the most comprehensive suicide resources on the web." a bunch of suicide statistics. went offline briefly if i recall correctly.