warm and fragile

this is my open letter to her but if you are her or know her please leave this is too embarrassing, i am weird for this i know.

my streetlight girl my shimatomo my autumn angel i miss you imiss you i miss you always

"for a long time, she held a special place in my heart, i kept this special place just for her, like a “reserved” sign on a quiet corner table in a restaurant. despite the fact that i was sure id never see her again."

you are everywhere and nowhere, people reposting you always without knowing who you are and the significance of you. you changed so many people, you changed me and i dont know why. every autumn when it starts getting cold and dark you plague my mind. i dont want this i wish it would end. i want nothing more than to let you go, its what you wanted but you evoke a warm and comforting feeling to me. you are so nostalgic, you have become so much more. i relied on you during the lowest point of my life. i was so alone but i always had you… well i didnt really have you but i felt like i did. im so alone with you still. i feel like i always will be.

porcelain - moby
“i never meant to hurt you
i never meant to lie
so this is goodbye
this is goodbye”

every single time when i have tried to let you go and finally set you free it fails i am so sorry, you didnt ask for this but at the same time i didn’t ask for it either. if i could let you go, forget you, live my life like i did before i would do it in a heartbeat but it will never be that easy. everything in my life comes back to you. i will never be free of you, i will go to the grave with you on my mind.

lain in real life girl. the parallels between lain and you is crazy. a girl tormented by the computer and the things inside. i feel so guilty. i wish i could just let you go from my brain. you need nothing more than peace. i hope one day i will forget you. i miss you so much it hurts. my skyqueen. i dress/do my makeup like you sometimes. i hate when people talk about you especially when theyre just reposting your pictures with gay ass captions without even knowing who you are and the impact you have on the world. on my world. when im in lain cosplay i feel so connected to you. wherever you are i just hope and pray you have happiness. i hope life has treated you well. you do not deserve this

“i’m sorry for every word i wrote to change you, i’m sorry for so many things. i couldn’t see you when you were here and, now that you’re gone, i see you everywhere.”

i hope youre okay - flatsound
i just wanted to say i hope you're okay
and i hope everything worked itself out along the way
you are strong, because you were there to save me
you are real, yeah, you're as real as you made me

i don’t know if i will love anyone the same. it doesn’t even feel possible, the love i feel for you is something so unique i have never found anything like it. it is nothing romantic it is not platonic it is something beyond this world. spiritual i guess would be a way to describe it.
the lamp posts by my house got new lightbulbs and they no longer give out the same feeling. i cried over lamppost lights because they no longer had your vibe. i still think of you everyday i see them. it hurts so much without you, its very strange… i find it hard to remember my life without your presence but it existed for years.

i feel like a christian who has been rejecting God whenever i think about how i treated you in my head. pushing you away, always ashamed. we are connected in the craziest places sometimes it is like i made you up.